Every good (customer) relationship is built on ♥️

Every good (customer) relationship is built on ❤️

I think I have a problem.

For the past 6 years, I’ve had this strange, uncontrollable urge to give Apple money.

I can’t explain it.

Apple comes out with a new phone? Upgrade time.

Apple updates the iPad so it has double the refresh rate? Time to buy (and throw out the old, nearly-identical iPad).

Apple releases a sexy leather case for the iPad (and Apple Pencil)? Let’s do it.

70% of the time, I don’t need whatever they’re selling. But when I walk into an Apple store and see the cool cases that they have on the wall, I’m suddenly filled with this intense urge to part with my money.

And here’s the even weirder thing: half the time I’m not really even thinking about how much better my life will be because of that new doo-dad. In fact, I’m not really even thinking about the purchase at all.

I’m just coming up with excuses to give Tim Cook and the ghost of Steve Jobs money.

There’s a lesson here for everyone who has to sell something.

I once listened to an interview with Phil Libin, the ex-CEO of Evernote, in which he talked about his company’s business model. They run on a “freemium” model. Users can join and use the service for free but need to pay extra for certain “premium” features.

Anyway, if my memory serves me correctly, he said that his biggest inspiration for the company’s “freemium” approach was… (you guessed it) Apple.

He went on and on about how he just loved going into the Apple store and almost always left with something he didn’t want (kind of like me!).

He believed that his compulsive purchasing was due to his love of the Apple brand. Apple had provided him with so much joy over the years, through its phones, computers, and apps, that he had this deep affection for the company.

And what do most of us want to do to people we love?

(Not that – sicko)

Do we want to ask them for favors? Do we want to take from them?


Love is all about giving. It’s about caring for the wellbeing of someone else so much that we put them first–even sacrificing our own needs in the process.

In short: We want to support those we love. We want to give to them until they’re happy and content.

And that’s exactly what Phil and I do to Apple every chance we get.

Phil believed that if he focused on building the greatest ‘digital note’ experience ever then people would form a deep attachment with his product and the Evernote brand.

Then, at some point, they would just want support the company. They would want to give.

The premium features (“unlimited storage for your notes!”) were just excuses, appeasing the rational part of the mind… the real selling was done through the amorous relationship that the product built with each loyal user.

It’s a thought-provoking way of looking at the company-customer or salesperson-customer relationship.

It’s also a more romantic way of talking about the principle of reciprocity.

Which reminds me. If you’re looking for an excuse to give me money, I’m currently selling a personalized habit report. It’s tailored to your specific personality type—so that you have the best chance of achieving your current #1 goal (or desired habit).

To buy it, go here.

In the report, you’ll learn:

  • How you compare to others across every personality trait
  • Where your personality is weak and where it’s strong
  • The aspects of your personality that are likely going to bring you trouble… and strategies you can use to minimize the damage
  • The three key things you need to do in order to use your personality to accomplish one of your current goals
  • General principles you should follow, no matter what goal you have in mind, to have a better chance of succeeding

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