What is The Spacing Effect In Behavioral Economics?

The spacing effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people are better able to remember information if they study or learn it over a longer period of time, with breaks in between. This means that it is more effective to study or learn in shorter, spaced out sessions than in one long, continuous session. The spacing effect is thought to be related to the way that the brain processes and stores information, and is a widely-used study technique.

The spacing effect is often used in education and training, as it can help people to remember and retain information more effectively. For example, a student who studies for a test by reviewing the material in several shorter sessions over the course of a week is likely to perform better than a student who tries to cram all of the material into one long study session the night before the test. To take advantage of the spacing effect, it is important to space out study or learning sessions over a longer period of time, and to take breaks in between to give the brain time to process the information.

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