What is The Integrated Behavior Model In Behavior Change?

The Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) is a framework that combines the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to better understand human behavior. The TRA focuses on the relationship between behavioral beliefs and evaluations, normative beliefs, and motivation to comply, and uses these factors to determine a person’s attitude about a particular behavior. The TPB adds the concept of control as a determinant of behavior, arguing that a person’s ability to control their beliefs and perceived power can affect their perception of the situation and their ability to perform a behavior. Both theories identify attitude and subjective norms as key determinants of behavior.

The IBM also includes four additional factors that can affect a person’s ability to carry out a behavior: knowledge and skills, salience of the behavior, environmental constraints, and habit. These factors can interact with the other determinants of behavior and can help to predict and influence a person’s behavior.

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