What is Extrinsic Motivation In Behavioral Science?

Extrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that is driven by external rewards or incentives. It is the desire to engage in an activity in order to obtain some external reward or consequence, such as money, praise, or grades. Extrinsic motivation is thought to be less enduring and satisfying than intrinsic motivation, which is motivated by personal interest, enjoyment, or satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation is important in many areas of life, such as education and work. It can be a useful way to encourage people to engage in activities that may not be initially appealing or interesting to them. Extrinsic motivation can be promoted through a variety of means, such as providing rewards, incentives, or feedback. However, excessive reliance on extrinsic motivation can potentially have negative consequences, such as reducing intrinsic motivation and undermining the intrinsic value of an activity.

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